
Is Cocaine a Stimulant?

Cocaine has a long history in America, including being an ingredient in Coca-Cola and widely used for medical purposes until the early 1900s. Cocaine use was at its peak during the 1980s. Powder cocaine was expensive and associated with wealth and prestige, while crack cocaine was cheap and poured into the inner cities. The crack […]

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What Are Some Common Fentanyl Side Effects?

Opioids are a class of drugs that impact the central nervous system to reduce pain. While highly effective, they are prone to misuse because of the euphoric feelings they create. Fentanyl is the most potent of opioids and has become a central player in the opioid crisis, devastating the lives of millions of Americans. Fentanyl

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A woman is using her laptop for a virtual counseling session with a therapist.

Is Virtual Counseling Right for Me?

Today, there are more addiction treatment centers in the United States than ever before. Still, barriers to treatment, including geography, affordability, and time, prevent many from getting the help they want and need. Outpatient treatment programs help eliminate obstacles to treatment for many, but not all. Taking accessibility one step further still is the availability

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Group therapy is happening during inpatient rehab.

What to Expect in Inpatient Rehab

Fear of the unknown is an obstacle to many things in life. When it comes to inpatient addiction treatment, not knowing what to expect or having false beliefs about what happens in treatment could be what prevents someone from reaching out for the help they need. Learning what to expect in inpatient rehab will help

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Tips for Observing Dry January

Many people view the start of a new year as an opportunity for change and self-improvement. Dry January, which has been gaining in popularity over the past decade, is a month-long challenge to avoid drinking alcohol. The month provides an opportunity to examine alcohol’s role in an individual’s life and for them to sample sobriety

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How Meth Impacts the Brain

Methamphetamine, also known as meth, is a stimulant drug sought out for its energizing, euphoric properties. However, it is also known to be destructive to the brain and body. If you or a loved one takes meth, it is important that you fully understand how this potent drug affects the brain as well as other

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Tips for Maintaining a Sober Lifestyle

Maintaining a sober lifestyle can be difficult once you’ve exited a substance abuse treatment program. Your life may have gone back to its normal rhythm of meeting with friends and family and encountering people who still drink or engage in substance use. But maintaining your relationships with loved ones shouldn’t come at the high cost

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What Are Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms?

Detox is an extremely challenging time that, for most people in recovery, is temporary. But sometimes, the symptoms can last beyond the typical days or weeks. Post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) is a phase that can persist long after the initial detox period. Understanding and managing these symptoms is essential for maintaining sobriety and continuing forward

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A woman is outside and enjoying National Sober Day.

Observing National Sober Day

Whether you’re curious about what it might be like to stop drinking alcohol for a month or you’re living a life of recovery, observing National Sober Day can provide an opportunity to explore what sobriety has to offer. Every year, on September 14th, people decide to opt out of alcohol and choose healthier beverage options.

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A graphic representation of the human body being affected by heroin abuse.

How Does Heroin Affect the Body?

Heroin continues to fuel the opioid epidemic as a powerful drug that people turn to after developing a dependence on their prescription opioids or for a temporary escape from chronic stress or mental health conditions. This easily accessible street drug has devastating effects on the mind and body. If you or someone you love finds

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