Relapse prevention

a man does not know what to do after an addiction relapse

What to Do After a Relapse

Overcoming substance use disorder (SUD) is not as simple as completing an addiction treatment program. After completing a program, people encounter real-world triggers and temptations in their daily environments. That’s why recovery is a life-long process, and individuals need to learn specific skills to help prevent relapse. But even with the necessary tools to navigate […]

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woman in messy home trying to adjust to life after rehab

Adjusting to Life After Rehab

After completing an addiction treatment program, adjusting to life after rehab can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. However, with aftercare programs and support, staying sober and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is achievable. At The Right Step Hill Country, we understand the importance of continuing care and offer aftercare programs to ensure our clients have

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a person looks out of a window after getting sober after a setback

Getting Sober After a Setback

The path to sobriety is often a rocky one, full of hills to climb and curves to navigate. It is completely normal to experience a setback or even relapse on the lifetime journey to maintain your recovery from addiction. Life is full of circumstances that can make alcohol and drug abuse recovery challenging. Fortunately, you

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a family hugs by festive lights, a great idea for a sober new year's eve

Ideas for a Sober New Year’s Eve

If you’re in recovery, celebrating a sober New Year’s can seem like an imposing task, especially in early recovery. During addiction, holidays, especially ones that encourage drinking, typically involve parties and intoxication. This can make it hard to find ways to have a fun, sober New Year’s. Luckily, many Americans are in active recovery, so

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group conversing over dos and donts of addiction recovery

Top 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Addiction Recovery

Breaking an addiction and beginning a recovery journey often feels isolating, confusing, and intimidating. There are many things to work on and improve while navigating a sea of triggers and new relationships. However, there are a few things that everyone struggling with an addiction can keep in mind when beginning their recovery journey. Addiction recovery

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Woman journaling for addiction relapse prevention

3 Tips For Your Addiction Relapse Prevention

There are a lot of moving parts to addiction relapse prevention. It would be nice to just put yourself on autopilot and cruise through the process, but unfortunately, that’s not the way it works. It does get easier over time as you develop healthy habits, but there are always addiction recovery goals to focus on.

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