Addiction Treatment Programs

young woman exhaling a cloud of white vapor while explaining what is galaxy gas

What Is Galaxy Gas?

Today’s youth thrive on social media and are particularly susceptible to viral trends. One such viral trend surrounds a substance known as galaxy gas. Countless young people observe other young people using this dangerous inhalant, and many feel compelled to copy the risky behavior. Use of this inhalant can be fatal, so it is essential […]

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A woman sits on a couch with her knees pulled to her chest, while in psychotherapy addiction counseling.

Types of Psychotherapy

With multiple treatment options to consider, seeking help for mental health or addiction can be confusing. Therapy is usually a core component of any treatment program, but it can also be found as a standalone treatment. There are various types of therapies, such as dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy, so it is helpful to

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A man stares outside a window and wonders if he's addicted to antidepressants.

Are Antidepressants Addictive?

Antidepressants are commonly prescribed to help mitigate the symptoms of depression. But are they addictive? If you regularly take antidepressants or are considering talking to your doctor about them, learn whether these medications are addictive and what the potential side effects are so you can make an informed decision.  At Right Step Hill Country, we

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I’m Ready to Quit Drinking

If you have woken up feeling awful after yet another night of heavy alcohol consumption, you might be ready to quit drinking. Alternatively, you might have had a harsh wake-up call after an arrest or DWI due to your drinking behavior. Or perhaps you have been thinking about getting sober for a long time but

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A woman is sitting in the dark and experiencing the symptoms of alcohol dependence.

What Is Alcohol Dependence?

When it comes to describing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, there are several terms that are often used interchangeably: alcoholism, alcohol addiction, alcohol use disorder, and alcohol dependence. These terms are all very similar, but the specific meaning of alcohol dependence is slightly different. What is alcohol dependence, and how does it compare to the

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A man is experiencing the signs of fentanyl use. He's pinching the bridge of his nose and making a phone call.

Signs of Fentanyl Use

Fentanyl abuse has become an increasingly concerning public health issue as the drug is more powerful than many opioids and, in recent years, has been the cause of opioid overdose more frequently. Whether you take the substance as medically prescribed or access it illicitly, it is vital that you understand the dangers of fentanyl so

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A veteran is dealing with addiction. He is leaning against a window in a treatment office.

The Connection Between Veterans and Addiction

Serving one’s country is an admirable feat, but it is not without risk. Of course, if someone in the military serves during a war, their life can be in danger. But even those not directly involved in combat can still struggle with a condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But how does PTSD lead

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A woman sits with her knees to her chest and her head in her hands. She is struggling with cocaine addiction.

Why Is Cocaine So Addictive?

With its reputation as a party drug, you may perceive cocaine as fairly harmless. But the fact is that this stimulant drug can quickly lead to an addiction that can destroy a life. Why is cocaine so addictive, and how can people quit once they’ve developed an addiction?   At Right Step Hill Country, we understand

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A man is meeting with a therapist for his first therapy session in our addiction counseling program.

What to Expect in Your First Therapy Session

People go to therapy for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s an opportunity to work through a specific relationship issue or feelings of anxiety, depression, or even grief. Others seek addiction counseling to help to help themselves identify and manage triggers while recovering from a substance use disorder (SUD). Whatever the case, most people

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How to Use Narcan During an Overdose

Fentanyl is a formidable synthetic opioid, and in recent years, the increase in its use as a street drug has made it an extreme danger to communities across America. Naxalone, or Narcan’s ability to reverse the effects of a fentanyl overdose, makes it a powerful weapon in saving lives. Knowing how to use Narcan, is

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