a person sits in a corner holding their head potentially going through an anxiety attack

Signs of an Anxiety Attack

It is normal to worry about different things in life. You may worry about an upcoming interview, an examination, finances, a speech, or your future. These feelings are healthy and keep you in check towards your goals. However, if you constantly worry about everything and the fear is overwhelming, you could be having signs of an anxiety attack. These signs could also be a signal of underlying severe anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder. If you believe you suffer from anxiety, professional therapists are available to help you overcome this through therapy and treatment.

Finding a dual diagnosis program could help you get the anxiety and addiction treatment you need to finally manage your anxiety attack symptoms and get your addiction under control. At The Right Step Hill Country, our team of medical professionals and recovery specialists help you along every step of the beginning of your recovery journey. With tailor-made treatment plans and evidence-based therapies, you can receive the treatment you deserve to help you lead a happy, healthy life. Call 1.844.675.1628 today to speak with a recovery specialist and take the right step toward a brighter future.

What Is an Anxiety Attack?

Anxiety attacks, also called panic attacks, stem from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the United States. People with this condition have severe and ongoing fear or worry that does not go away and can worsen over time. This worry can cause physical symptoms like a fast heart rate, sweating, shaking, and trouble breathing. For some people, anxiety can be so severe that it interferes with their daily lives.

These disorders are different from regular anxiety or stress. With an anxiety disorder, the symptoms last six months or more and cannot be attributed to another condition, substance abuse, or a particular event. When someone experiences a one-time panic attack, it does not necessarily mean they have an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety attacks can happen at any time and without warning. They are most likely to occur when you are under stress or in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, threatened, or trapped. Some people with anxiety disorders only experience attacks in specific situations. Others have them all the time.

Signs of a General Anxiety Attack

People start experiencing anxiety symptoms at a young age and continue to experience them into their adult years. There are several different signs to watch out for if you believe you have anxiety. These include:

  • Worrying about everyday things that often pass
  • Nervousness
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Being easily irritable
  • Being tired even after resting for a long time
  • Having frequent muscle aches, headaches, pains, and stomach pain

Types of Anxiety Attacks

While any anxiety disorder can cause an anxiety attack, two main types cause attacks from which you can suffer. These include:

Panic Disorder

Individuals with this disorder have panic attacks that reach their peak in a few minutes. These either occur naturally or from external conditions. Additionally, symptoms of panic attacks include heart palpitations, shaking and trembling, and shortness of breath.

Social Anxiety

Individuals with social anxiety have a fear of being in social settings. This fear includes speaking at social gatherings or participating in performances. As a result, they worry about other people judging them for their anxiety behaviors. They then get nervous, especially in front of a crowd.

At The Right Step Hill Country, our staff will work with you to assess the type of anxiety from which you suffer. Then, we can treat your anxiety with therapy and medication. If you experience any of the signs of anxiety attacks, do not wait to get treatment. You do not have to suffer alone.

Risk Factors for Anxiety Attacks

Studies reveal that mental disorders result from both external and genetic factors. Different types of anxiety attacks have different causes. For example, people with shy character traits often experienced factors that affected their childhood behaviors. Such people may also suffer from personality issues, such as low self-esteem. As a result, this may cause them to experience anxiety attacks.

Individuals who experience stressful events in their environment during their young years may become cynical about life. Mental health experts agree that many family members or relatives share a history of anxiety attacks or mental illnesses.

Other heart conditions can cause anxiety attacks as well. These include heart arrhythmia, increased intake of caffeine, or using substances.

How Right Step Hill Country Can Help

Typically, you can treat an anxiety attack with therapy or medication. In some cases, doctors will recommend both treatments. Keep in mind that medicine is not a cure but acts as a relief to anxiety. Our rehab facility offers several treatment methods for recovery, including:

  • Medical drug detox
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Family therapy program
  • Aftercare therapy programs

Get started and treat your anxiety today by booking an appointment with our therapists. First, they will assess your mental health condition to find a treatment plan that will work for you. Then, our therapists will help you to identify the causes of anxiety. We will create a treatment plan to help you treat any future attacks. Do not let anxiety stop you from living life to the fullest. Contact us today at 1.844.675.1628, and we will get you started on the path to recovery.

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