
a person sits on a bed holding their head in turmoil as they ponder "is fentanyl addictive?"

Is Fentanyl Addictive?

Is fentanyl addictive? The answer is a resounding yes. This powerful synthetic opioid has a high potential for addiction due to its potency. Even when taken as prescribed by a healthcare professional, a person can experience dependence, leading to addiction. Right Step Hill Country provides comprehensive fentanyl addiction treatment for individuals in need of help. […]

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a person talks to a therapist about treating fentanyl abuse

How Do You Treat Fentanyl Use Disorder?

Rates of illicit fentanyl use continue to climb in the United States. The potent opioid is often cut into a range of counterfeit prescriptions and drugs like cocaine and heroin. With a potency of up to 50 times stronger than heroin, people living with addiction and those in recovery face significant dangers when consuming fentanyl.

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a person discusses virtual intensive outpatient program benefits with a therapist via a laptop

What Are the Benefits of a Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program?

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the landscape of healthcare services, with many transitioning to virtual platforms. When it comes to addiction treatment, virtual intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) have emerged as a highly effective and accessible option. There is a range of virtual intensive outpatient program benefits that can make the

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a perswon practices mindfulness meditation for addiction treatment near the ocean

Can Mindfulness Meditation Work for Addiction?

Some people escape life’s challenges through the use of drugs and alcohol. This method of dealing with problems only avoids addressing the root causes. As a result, bodies and minds can become reliant on and addicted to drugs and alcohol. Addiction is a severe problem that many people face today. The treatment process can seem

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a person with ocd and addiction arranges pencils on a table

Does Substance Abuse Affect OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can often be so debilitating that those living with it turn to drugs and alcohol to try and cope. This unhealthy coping mechanism often leads to substance abuse and subsequent addiction. Because of this relationship, OCD and addiction are common co-occurring disorders. Co-occurring disorders are identified when someone has a substance use

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an upset woman holds her hand to her nose after learning about how cocaine affects mental health

How Cocaine Affects Your Mental Health

While not everyone who uses cocaine recreationally becomes addicted, for those who do, the lasting effects can be quite serious. It’s, therefore, important to get quality support if you or a loved one has developed cocaine dependency. Gaining some understanding of how cocaine affects mental health is a great place to start.  In many cases,

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a man with glasses looks at his reflection in a mirror and thinks about the signs of painkiller abuse

Signs of Painkiller Abuse

Doctors may prescribe powerful painkillers for a variety of reasons ranging from post-surgery recovery to chronic pain. Some people also obtain the drugs illicitly or start with a legitimate prescription and transition into illegal use. However painkiller use begins, it often moves in the direction of misuse, especially when the drug in question is an

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an upset woman sits on the edge of her bed resting her head on her hands showing effects of repressed trauma

Effects of Repressed Trauma

Work to understand the effects of repressed trauma began with Sigmund Freud and remains important today. Because of the body’s instinct for self-preservation, deeply harmful events are sometimes partly or fully removed from conscious memory. This allows a traumatized person temporary relief from cognitively dealing with their past. Sadly, repressed trauma can have many negative

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a man sits with his arms resting on his knees and stares forward wondering about what is high-functioning anxiety

What Is High-Functioning Anxiety?

Living with anxiety can be incredibly challenging, and individuals cope quite differently. For some, it’s a debilitating condition that severely impairs function in major areas such as employment or relationships. For others, anxiety wreaks havoc on their internal landscape while outside observers have no idea that they are struggling. In these latter cases, high-functioning anxiety

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