July 2020

group of people talking about the benefits of an alumni program

The Benefits of an Alumni Program for Recovery

Both inpatient rehab centers and outpatient rehab centers are excellent at providing you support for the first stages of becoming sober, but what happens once you complete it? It can be challenging to continue on this path without having access to a network of people who have been in your shoes, and useful professional services alongside […]

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woman thinking about benzos and alcohol

The Impact of Combining Benzos and Alcohol

Benzodiazepines, which treat many types of conditions, primarily in the mental health category, have strict warnings to avoid taking them with alcohol. Combining benzos and alcohol can lead to many issues. These include overdosing, having too strong of an effect, and creating dependence on both substances. At The Right Step Hill Country, our dual diagnosis

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woman thinking about the dangers of mixing substances

Recognizing the Dangers of Mixing Substances

Many drugs have interactions when you take them alongside other substances. They could cause you to have an increased or decreased effect, have effects that are only seen in that particular combination, or result in serious complications. The dangers of mixing substances can potentially be fatal, but even less severe side effects can be problematic.

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