Dual Diagnosis Rehab

in Austin, Texas

Find personalized dual diagnosis rehab programs in Austin, Texas.

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Start your recovery from addiction and mental health issues with our team.


Individualized Dual Diagnosis Rehab in Austin

Everyone’s addiction story is unique! That’s why our team at our dual diagnosis rehab in Austin offers personalized treatment to help you on your road to recovery. We understand that no two people are alike, and we’ll work with you to create a treatment plan that fits your needs. 

Program Summary

Our dual diagnosis rehab program in Austin is designed to help those struggling with addiction and mental health issues. We offer a variety of services to help you on your road to recovery, including various holistic and evidence-based treatments. Through these treatments, it’s possible to understand and manage your mental health while learning how to cope with addiction. 

The Advantages of a Dual Diagnosis Rehab in Austin

Treatment Phases

Because detox and rehab can be intense, many treatment experts recommend doing them together. Through our dual diagnosis program in Austin, you’ll be able to do just that. Our team will be with you to help you go through the process successfully, and you’ll have access to 24/7 medical care and support. We also recommend engaging in our aftercare program once you’ve completed detox and rehab to help you stay on track. 


– Cleanse –

Withdrawal is a difficult process, but our team can help make it as smooth as possible. We offer a variety of detox methods to fit your needs and make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. We also may offer specialized medications and therapies to help with any specific mental health issues you’re experiencing. 


– Understand –

Once the client has completed the detox process, they will then move on to the rehab phase. This is when our team will help you understand your addiction and mental health. We’ll work with you to come up with a plan to manage your symptoms and triggers. We’ll also help you understand the root cause of your addiction and mental health issues. 


– Apply –

Rehab is just the beginning of your journey to recovery. That’s why we offer an aftercare program to help you stay on track. This program includes support groups, therapy, and other resources to help you in your everyday life. We’ll also provide you with a plan to follow in case of any setbacks. 

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Services Available at Our Dual Diagnosis Rehab in Austin

When you enroll in our dual diagnosis rehab program in Austin, you’ll have access to a variety of services. These services are designed to help you on your road to recovery, and they include: 

How Much Does a Dual Diagnosis Rehab Center Cost?

Paying for addiction treatment

The cost of our dual diagnosis rehab in Austin varies from person to person. Each person has different needs, and each person’s treatment is different. However, Right Step Hill Country accepts most major insurance providers, and we also offer financing options. We understand that addiction treatment is an investment in your future, and we’ll work with you to make sure you can get the help you need. Verify your insurance today to learn more. 

Success Stories

Start Your Recovery

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction and mental health issues, don't wait to get help. At our dual diagnosis rehab in Austin, we can provide you with the resources and support you need to start your road to recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our program using our phone number or our online form.

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